
I’m Kora, Herbalist & Founder of Kore Herbals.

Kore Herbals is a reflection of my reverence for nature, offering handcrafted workshops, apothecary goods for skin + spirit, and 1:1 Wellness Coaching.

Following the seasons and slow living practices, our workshops and private coaching ask you to use your intuition and senses to re-discover your unique rhythms of balance.

Thank you for being here.

Each product and service is individually customized with intention and forethought for sustainability and active wellness.


Intuitive Mentoring & Wellness Coaching, Custom Self Care Rituals, and Nature Connectedness Workshops.

With a 1:1 Wellness Coaching Session, activate, reawaken and tune into your deeper knowing through intuitive guidance and a custom self care ritual. Each session is personalized for you, and recorded for continued integration.

Learn more here.

1:1 Wellness Coaching is done remotely, through a virtual video call, with exception of certain locations within Salt Lake City, Utah.



Sage School Herbalism

Philadelphia, PA

October 2015

Reiki Certification - Dolphin Touch Wellness Center

Kauai, HI

November 2012

Sacred Birthing Doula School

Kauai, HI

August - December 2011

Flower Essence Practitioner Apprenticeship

Nashville, TN 

June - August 2011